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Some of the content on this site may be advertorials used for advertising purposes. Certain reviews may be based on material provided by the product’s parent company and may use fictional names for promotional purposes.

The site operators cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or truthfulness of the published material, which may be derived from third-party sources such as the manufacturer’s website, parent company, Amazon reviews, forums, social networks, etc., nor for any potential damage caused by the use of such information. The operators cannot be held liable in any way for any harm, whether physical or moral, resulting from the improper use of the published content or the products mentioned.

This site NEVER handles payment collection or the shipping of any mentioned products, and the operators have no role in the design, production, or distribution of the products. For any information, you should always contact the product’s manufacturer or distributor directly.

Furthermore, we do not represent any company that manufactures the products mentioned. We are not responsible for the content of the linked websites; the inclusion of hyperlinks does not imply approval or assumption of responsibility by the site owner for the legality, completeness, or accuracy of the information contained on the linked websites.

It is always recommended to consult your GP before taking any product.